Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


4th Biodiversity Forum
Start date
End date
Forum activities: Friday 19th at 5pm. Horticultural varieties exhibition: until Sunday 21st from 11am to 10pm.
Nave 17. Nave una
Annual meeting organised by the Banco de Intercambio de Semillas (Seed Exchange Baknk) that aims to share a varied range of horticultural production experiences.
What are we harvesting? The 4th Biodiversity Forum is an annual meeting organised by the Banco de Intercambio de Semillas (Seed Exchange Bank) that aims to share a varied range of horticultural production experiences. 

A collective exhibition of horticultural varieties produced from seeds in the Seed Exchange Bank will be displayed, and presentations and debates will be held on ecoculture and its importance for local contacts, given by members of the Red de Huertos Urbanos de Madrid (Madrid Urban Vegetable Garden Network).   Users of the Seed Exchange Bank are encouraged to contribute to the exhibition to raise awareness of the diverse range of varieties that exist and how to distinguish between them through observation and recognition.   To participate in the exhibition with a sample from your harvest or to share your experiences, contact