Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


MOM Festival (Madrid with another view)
Start date
End date
Matadero Madrid
Matadero Madrid Archive / La Salita
Joint proyect of Matadero Madrid and Memorias en Red under the leitmotif "Looking at heritage through the eyes of those who saw it first", as part of the MOM Festival.
Matadero Madrid and the Cultural Association Memorias en Red (Memories Network) are presenting a joint project as part of the Madrid with Another View Festival (Madrid con Otra Mirada), under the leitmotif “Looking at Heritage through the eyes of those who saw it first”.
  The idea behind this joint project between Matadero Madrid and Memorias en Red came about for the purpose of doing research into the historic memory of the old municipal slaughterhouse and livestock market, now converted into a contemporary creative arts centre. The Memorias en Red association has been classifying and ordering materials in the historic archives to select the most interesting documents for a small exhibition being held from October to December 2014 in the area "La Salita" at Matadero Madrid. The show is part of the Madrid with Another View Festival (Madrid con otra mirada) promoted by Madrid City Council.
  Memorias en Red is an international group of young researchers, most of whom are connected with CSIC and was founded in 2011. It is a cross-disciplinary, independent group formed with the aim of generating spaces for discussion and reflection in the field of Memory Studies.  
  Matadero Madrid and Memorias en Red have joined forces to carry out research work analysing history from a critical perspective and putting the results of their studies into practice in an artistic context.
  This project is part of a wider collective research programme promoted by Matadero Madrid in fields such as post-colonial studies, education and art and ecology.

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