Swapping crisis for city
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Nave 17. Nave una
Nave 16
The different We-Traders projects are presented in a collaborative, didactic format accompanied by a series of activities encompassing workshops and meetings open to general public
In Lisbon, Madrid, Toulouse, Turin and Berlin the current crisis manifests different facets from empty coffers and social polarisation to a lack of civic sense as a result of excessive growth. 

Designers, artists, architects... These are examples of citizens from across southwest Europe taking the initiative to re-appropriate urban space. They are redefining the relation between value, profit and public good. And they are able to motivate fellow citizens to follow suit. Essentially, this project is a comparison between different local solutions to transnational issues. Which practices have worked well in a particular context? What led to their success? Can they be replicated elsewhere? How does the collaboration between private initiative and public bodies work out?

We-Traders is a platform of knowledge, production and exposition for the following initiatives:

MADRID - Campo de Cebada, Elii / Gabinete de Crisis de Ficciones Políticas, Teamlabs / Walkinn Coop, Todo por la Praxis, [VIC] Vivero de Iniciativas Ciudadanas. 

TURIN  - Buena Vista Social Housing, Casa del Quartiere, Il Piccolo Cinema, Miraorti, Toolbox Coworking / FabLab. 

LISBON  - A Linha, Agulha Num Palheiro, BIP/ZIP, Cozinha Popular da Mouraria, O Espelho. 

TOULOUSE - AERA Habitat, Bois & Cie, Carrefour Culturel Arnaud Bernard, Le potager de Camille, Mix’Art Myrys.

BERLIN -  Allmende-Kontor, betahaus/Open Design City, RÜTLI-WEAR, Initiative Möckernkiez.

Collaborating collectives: Zuloark, Cocook, Taller Omnívoros, [PEC] Plataforma en Construcción.

We-Traders is an initiative from the Goethe-Institut Brussels in conjunction with its offices in Madrid, Turin, Berlin, Lisbon and Toulouse.

Artistic direction: Angelika Fitz (Vienna), Rose Epple (Berlin)

Co-Curators: Julia Albani (Lisbon), Javier Duero (Madrid), Stéphane Gruet (Toulouse), Luisa Perlo and Lisa Parola (Turin)


In association with: