Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


by Álvaro Tato
Start date
End date

Tuesday to Sunday / 7:30pm

14th May / 6pm

15th May / 8:30pm

Naves del Español. Sala Max Aub (Nave 10)

Malvivir is the first-person account of the secret life of the picaro Elena de Paz, a free, rebellious, thieving, ingenious, deceitful and runaway woman who defies all the conventions of her time and pays the price for her freedom.

Malvivir is a journey into the dark side of the Spanish Golden Age; a journey through the different social strata, settings and characters of a turbulent and fascinating era.

Malvivir is also the story of the heart-breaking and wild love between Elena and Montúfar; two miserable picaros in a Spain of splendour and famine, dreams and deceit, faith and witchcraft, illusion and death.

Ay Teatro presents a tragicomic vision of the 17th century, a reflection on freedom and survival, and a revival of the female picaresque literature of the Baroque period.

Subtitling for the deaf

Subtitling for the deaf

Audio description

Audio description

Magnetic loop

Magnetic loop

Amplified sound

Amplified sound

Accesibility icons provided by Teatro Accesible