Naves del Español
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16,50 euros /22 euros
Naves Matadero
A text based on the figure Roberto Succo an Italian serial killer who, after killing his parents at the young age of 19, escaped from the prison where he was held and reeked terror and violence.
Bernard-Marie Koltès is without doubt one of the most important contemporary authors, with a discourse that privileges the word, with its intense poetry and the most direct realism; his theatrical work seeks with complicity to unite the psychological realist tradition, the classic vertigo, and the radicalism of the avant-garde, without hiding his obsessions. In his work everything reappears in a new light that distorts or amplifies reality.

Julio Manrique, had faith in this text, 20 years after its release in Barcelona, with an all star cast and Pablo Derqui playing the Italian Murderer. Cristina Genebat, has made the translation. Completeing the cast with: Laia Marull, Andrés Herrera, Maria Rodríguez, Xavier Boada, Rosa Gàmiz, Xavier Ricart and Oriol Guinart, who play various roles…More than twenty!

A text based on the figure Roberto Succo an Italian serial killer who, after killing his parents at the young age of 19, escaped from the prison where he was held and reeked terror and violence everywhere he went in cold blood, killing anyone who crossed his path on the way. He was finally caught by the police close to his family home in 1988.

Ficha artística
Julio Manrique