Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


Design 'boxings' at Central de Diseño
Start date
End date
Free admission
Central de diseño
The second edition of BOX_POP, an emerging exhibition at Central de Diseño with varying content put on five different times per year.
BOX_POP is an emerging exhibition at Central de Diseño with varying content put on five different times per year, consisting of five boxes measuring 1m32cm x 60cm x 40cm.  Four designers- members of DIMAD- and a fifth person "in discord" are given carte blanche to let their imaginations run wild, so that they can show us what they have been up to lately, what they feel is most representative, whatever they feel like sharing with the world.  Here creative, multidisciplinary, and intergenerational proposals by professionals from within the design world can be seen.
  For this, the second edition, again curated by our member Lucinda Morrissey, the participants are:
  - Eleonora Guidotti
- Gráfica Futura
- Micomoler
- Paloma Canivet
- Renato Seixas