Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


Colectivo Ayllu
Start date
End date
Free Admission
Nave 16. Centro de residencias
Exhibition by Colectivo Ayllu about their experience as migrant and sexual dissident bodies that compiles texts, videos and interactive installations.
The exhibition Devuélvannos el oro (Give us back the gold) is the result of the residence that Colectivo Ayllu has carried out in the Center for artistic residencies at Matadero Madrid. A reflection on their experience as dissident sexual and migrant bodies. The sample collects historical texts of conquerors and colonial chroniclers, videos that document anticolonialist performances and interactive installations.   For the preparation of this exhibition, Collective Ayllu has collaborated with artists such as Sergio Zevallos, Jota Mombaça, Yuderkys Espinosa, Carlos Leon-Ximenez or Daniela Ortiz, throughout their residence. The exhibition features 16 pieces such as videos of the performance El abominable pecado de la sodomía (The abominable sin of sodomy), recorded at the Muelle de las Caravelas (Caravel's Wharf), or Serían unos criadxs magníficxs (They would make perfect servants), performance held at the National Museum of Anthropology.   Collective Ayllu is a collaborative group of research and artistic-politic action, formed by migrant agents, racialized sexual and gender dissidents from the ex-colonies. The collective proposes a critique of whiteness as a hetero-normative ideology from European colonialism and of the global project of multicultural cities. Ayllu considers that this apparent multiculturalism works as an ornamental and symbolic strategy that uses migration and the fact of being a refugee as a smokescreen to hide neo-liberal business, the NGOs or the industry of Human Rights.   Ayllu -that means family in quechua, not necessarily blood bonded- is part of a collective transformation and a moment of particular visibility of the anti-racist and anti-colonialist movement in this country. Along with Conciencia Afro (Afro conscience), it is one of the participant groups in the Centre for artistic residencies at Matadero Madrid formed solely by migrant bodies, blacks or racialized individuals.  

Opening: Saturday, October 6, at 12 (noon)  
Colectivo Ayllu, Serian unxs criadxs magnificxs. Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Madrid, 2017.