Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


Dirigida por Rafael Ruíz
Start date
End date
Tuesday to Saturday: 8.30pm. Sundays: 7.30pm.
€15. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 25% discount.
Sala Max Aub
A story told by its three main characters through a combination of music, dancing, singing, humor and theatre, using no words.
“Almost two centuries ago in Europe a genre evolved in which acrobats, musicians, mime artists and magicians shared the stage. It was local theatre, which hypnotised the audience with the performers’ artistry and imagination, simple props and a large dose of skill and talent. The genre originated at Théâtre des Funambules, on the boulevard du Temple in Paris.   

Madrid was no exception to this vogue. In the nineteenth century, the city was a theatrical hotbed where some 600 plays were premiered each year, many of them on the site known today as Teatro Español. Many of the big European stars of this lively genre performed on its stage, which led to the flourishing of a public of devotees who would enthusiastically applaud these new artists.   

Today, Teatros del Español (in plural since it is not just one stage but many, animated by the restless spirit of Juan Carlos) hosts the Funamviolistas, the Funambules of today, who produce illusions without a magician’s hat, smiles without a red nose and who make the audience tremble without a live wire, exaggerated gestures, but with the strings of their violins.”      

Rafael Ruíz Nuñez     

In a square of any town, three women leading unsatisfactory lives meet each other by chance. This meeting of destinies inevitably changes their lives and these three curious characters quickly build a life together with its joys, disagreements, hopes and dreams. Their friendship, can-do attitude and everyday life are the threads that run through this charming and moving story, narrated by the three actors in an unusual and exceptional combination of music, dance, song, humour and mime, without recourse to the spoken word. This makes The Funamviolistas a truly innovative show.

A production by 

Artistic team and specifications
Rafael Ruíz
Nuria Hernández and Miguel Ruz Velasco
Maite Agorreta and Natalia Alonso
Marcos Carazo Acero
Sergio Casanova y Enrique González