Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


Daniel Rojas and Carles Gutierrez
Start date
End date
Nave 17. Nave una
This Summer Daniel Rojas and  Carles Gutiérrez have been working on a new expanded version of Sociograma interactivo (Interactive Sociogram) an installation that reacts to the presence of people that pass through Nave Intermediae.  
The project is an exploratory approach to the relationships that are established between people, in particular when they share the same space, by graphically representing the connections they have between them. It is a space for play that allows exploring and experimenting, and that stimulates the growth of dynamic rituals among the participants. 

The installation is part of the experimentation space alongside the weekly workshops on Sonido y Movimiento (Sound and Movement) developed by the collective Debajo del sombrero in Intermediae. Sonido y Movimiento makes its way into Matadero's program without fear, as an area of constant exploration with respect to the forms and sonic elements that contribute to awakening new means of expression in the participants and collaborators.
  Sociograma interactivo generates an exchange that opens new posibilities of experience, observation and connection for its participants, in a playground that contains the movement of each participant.

Sound and Movement Workshops run by Debajo del sombrero are on every Wednesday from 11 to 14h.   Until 23rd of September.