Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation

Three stays during 2024 and 2025

Adrianna Szojda

In-between soil and debris: regenerative practices and methodologies with and for the damaged world 

The aim of Adrianna Szojda´s project for SAiR residency program is to trace local interdisciplinary regenerative practices, specific for every place and context. The project looks for the practices that already exist within every ecosystem, considering its human and more-than-human habitants, the relations between them and the materiality of the place. Regenerative practices have a long history, usually difficult to track as in almost each case they were developed as a way to cope with oppression, violence, abandonment, in opposition to the dominant system. The purpose of this project is to share the knowledge about those other, usually non-hegemonic practices, to make them visible, and to think together how they may help us to think/feel/make/be with and for damaged, overexploited world we all live in and co-create.

The idea comes from a longer research which materialized in Adrianna´s MA final project that consisted of studying the similarities between soil regeneration practices and certain practices that occure within the ecosystem of La Escocesa, an artist-led contemporary visual arts organisation and residency space in Barcelona, Spain.

By learning and inquiring with the territory and with the community, always considering its complex context and local particularities, the project seeks the ways to reinforce community resilience in the face of ecosocial crisis by recognizing hot spots and needs, and providing space to discuss them collectively.

The project will be carried out mainly through interviews and field recordings, and will materialize in a podcast or a multimodal installation which collects different voices and experiences of the habitants of the ecosystem of each of the art organisation engaged in the SAiR project.

Researcher, ecofarmer. She maily works at the intersection of art, education and agroecology. She investigates human and more-than-human interrelationships, looking for possible ways of communication between species through plurisensoriality and non-hegemonic epistemologies. Her field of interest embraces ecofeminist education, food sovereignty and justice, regenerative practices and ways to create communities based on care and collaboration. Attented to the relations that occur on the margins of the im/possible, she finds a great inspiration in spontaneous and ruderal plants.

She graduated in Art History (2020), Master's Degree in Visual Arts and Education: A Constructionist Approach, from University of Barcelona (2023). In 2022 she received the Complemento Directo scholarship from Hablarenarte and Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. Since 2022 she is a member of La Escocesa (Barcelona), where she proposed a series of encounters-workshops called “Sensitive resistance. Care of seeds, soil, plants and other people”, centered in building resilience through interspecies care practice (June 2022) and a performative action “SPA for plants and other sentient beings”, a shared session oriented to well-being(s) for plants and humans (November 2022, within the framework of the collective event AFTER). In La Escocesa, she currently takes part in the groupal internal work process in relation to the transformation of the institution towards a more sustainable ecosystem.

She is a beneficiary of the SAiR residency for visual projects on sustainability within the framework of the project financed by the European Union.