Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


Óscar Bueno Rodríguez



Studies for soundidation are a series of scores that seek to transmute the visual experience into a sound experience by experimenting with the re-signification of form and image. They are scores for a musical body and a sonorous mind.

These studies offer the spectator a performative mode of reading: what is read is, at the same time, what is produced and, at the same time, what is heard. This encounter between score and music aspires to engender something immaterial with a sonorous texture in the mind of the spectator. An elusive, changing, subjective and non-transferable immateriality that lives in the world of inaudible sound, in the mind of the spectator. A spectator who is multifarious: musician, composer, performer and listener. A new music that relates to sound through a time of contemplation in musical action that reformulates the structures of communication within the musical act.

Studies for Soundidation 2 focus on time and movement by investigating how musical time can condition the time of the image through the movement of the body of he or she who reads/produces/listens.

Óscar Bueno Rodríguez.

1985, Avilés, Asturias. Professional Degree in Music, specialising in Piano. Degree in Dramatic Art from the ESAD in Asturias, specialising in Textual Interpretation.. Master's Degree in Performing Arts and Visual Culture from the University of Castilla la Mancha and the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid. Master's Degree in Scenic Arts from the Rey Juan Carlos a University.

His practice alternates between the musical, the choreographic and the visual, in a more or less premeditated way. He is an author but in his work he also accompanies the processes of other artists, which lead to hybrid theatre and contexts within the European experimental scene. He is a performer in both areas, and he is a musician. Visuality or work in drawing gives shape to what is a central exploration in his work, which communicates with these other disciplines in a natural way. He considers that his artistic work is a hybrid between music (and musical composition), the stage, and image.