Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation
Una fiesta salvaje
Una fiesta salvaje (A Wild Party) is a study and creation group that researches the possibilities (and limitations) of performative writing. This 2022-2023 season, the collective is asking itself about the origins of its name: What is a party? How can performance poetry become a party, as Dorothea Lasky wanted?
After two years focused on the study of questions relating to language in different fields and with the generous collaboration of guests who have agreed to think with the collective, A Wild Party now asks itself how it can get back to the body and sensorial experience. And this concern leads to this season’s other important theme: rhythm. What are the rhythms of pain? And those of silence? How does the voice adapt to space? Do you believe in the future? Can I sing you a song? What will your name be tomorrow? In what rhythms do you see the world? Which organ is home to touch? Can you still smell after the coronavirus? Can you tell me what the cadence of your body is? Does tiredness have a beat?A Wild Party is an open collective. Its five members - Helena Mariño, Violeta Gil, Raquel G. Ibañez, Emilio Papamija y Alba Lara - invite other people to join in to think, perform or design an action around a particular theme. A Wild Party wants to have as many accomplices as there are stars in the sky: our collective believes in openness, experimentation and collaboration.
We are inventing pending futures. We have understood that to be truly radical is to do
Image by Leticia Bernaus