Matadero Madrid center for contemporary creation


(Elías Merino & Tadej Droljc)
September 22 to 24

20 to 22h. Every 30 min

Nave 16. Madrid Artes Digitales

Immersive installation Turmoil of Vehemence 


Synspecies,  audiovisual project created by Elías Merino y Tadej Droljc, will present for L.E.V. Matadero Turmoil of Vehemence, a narrative vicisitude that is halfway between their first homonym work and their next project Asbu (2023-2024). 

This work has been reshaped and adapted for MAD’s immersive space in Matadero to become a large audiovisual installation. It continues to explore Synspecies’ universe of unnatural oneiric fields inhabited by multi-scaled audiovisual objects that are cross pollinating, mutating, adopting and fighting for their space and existence. The duo will portrait the current state of the entities under different perspectives, beholding how they co-create a world of unreal physicality that is constantly kneaded by violent forces.