Matadero Madrid is run by Madrid City Council's Department of Culture, Turism and Sports

Matadero Madrid
Matadero Madrid is the Centre for Contemporary Creation of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Madrid City Council

Created in 2006, Matadero is located in the city’s former slaughterhouse and cattle market, an area of great heritage and architectural value, with an enormous personality and a focal point for Madrid’s citizens. Its different halls host an extensive programme of exhibitions, theatre, festivals, live music, cinema and audiovisual projects, conferences, talks and workshops, residencies for artists, educational programmes and activities for families.

All these activities are organised by the wide range of institutions that make up the centre and through transversal, interdisciplinary lines of work in connection with international networks. In its search for interdisciplinary activities, the centre is a hub for the visual and performance arts, literature, digital culture, architecture and design. Matadero Madrid is a space for conversation, debate and the promotion of critical thinking, a space that contributes to the renewal of artistic ideas and languages. It works as a radar, always on the alert so as to react flexibly to the social challenges against which culture becomes activated as a tool for change, advocating experimentation as an indispensable instrument for the rise of a new culture.

Matadero Madrid’s activity is articulated, under the artistic direction of Matadero Madrid itself, through the Coordination Office and the public programmes Intermediae, Medialab and the Centre for Artists in Residence. Through two public centres with independent artistic management: Cineteca Madrid (Film Archive) and Naves del Español in Matadero, and through a series of private partners whose initiatives contribute to a broad, diverse and multidisciplinary global programme: Central de Diseño (a platform for the promotion of design managed by the Diseño de Madrid-DIMAD Foundation), Extension AVAM (managed by Artistas Visuales Asociados de Madrid), Casa del Lector (international centre for research, development and innovation in reading, under the auspices of the German Sánchez-Ruipérez Foundation), and the Centro for Immersive Experiences (MAD. Madrid Artes Digitales).

Each and every one of these spaces make up a programme that is organically constructed. Because it is precisely this multiple specificity of Matadero that in itself generates a field that is more conducive to the collective exchange of new ideas.