Run by Madrid City Council’s Culture, Turism and Sports Area

  • Manager
    • Alma Fernández Rius
  • Artistic Director
    • José Luis Romo
  • Deputy Manager
    • Myriam González
  • Head of Programme
    • Susana Zaragozá
  • General Coordinator
    • Adela Fernández
  • Communications 
    • Marisa Pons, Mariajo López, Iñaki Manjarrés, Raúl González, Laura Bragado
  • Design
    • Mario Cano
  • Education and Publics
    • Javier Laporta, Beatriz Bartolomé, Pablo Gallego
  • Projects
    • Aitor Ibáñez
  • Operations
    • Víctor Díaz
  • Production 
    • Saturio Gómez, Santiago Jiménez, Gabriel Lucas, Vicente Fernández, David Romero, Rodolfo Cortés
  • Technical Coordinator
    • Jana Arenas
  • Infraestructures
    • Raúl Cano
  • Legal
    • Montserrat Rivero
  • Administration
    • Ana María Cubillo, Ana María Escobar, Álvaro Estévez, Nieves Montealegre

Matadero Madrid – Centre for Contemporary Creation is run by Madrid City Council’s Department of Culture and Sport. Created in 2006, Matadero is located in the city’s former slaughterhouse and cattle market, a complex that is of great historical and architectural value, has tremendous character and is a focal point for Madrid’s citizens.

Matadero Madrid's activity is organised through the Transversal Programmes Unit of Intermediae (a space for research into and production of situated artistic practices that promotes citizen involvement in cultural production); the Centre for Artistic Residencies and Medialab in Matadero.

Through two public centres with independent artistic management: Cineteca Madrid (Film Archive) and Naves del Español in Matadero, and through a series of private partners whose initiatives contribute to a broad, diverse and multidisciplinary global programme: Central de Diseño (a platform to promote design run by the Fundación Diseño de Madrid-DIMAD), the Extensión AVAM (run by Artistas Visuales Asociados de Madrid), Casa del Lector (an international centre for research, development and innovation in reading, run by the Germán Sánchez-Ruipérez Foundation).

Each and every one of these spaces make up a programme that is being built organically. Because it is precisely this multiple specificity of Matadero that in itself generates a more propitious field for the collective exchange of new ideas. Matadero Madrid - Centre for Contemporary Creation is run by Madrid City Council's Department of Culture and Sports.